Dale G. Broderick
Dale Broderick, the founder of Dale Broderick Associates, holds a CPA, an MBA in accounting from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in business economics from Columbia University.
Dr. Broderick spent four years in public account-ing with Price Waterhouse & Co. and five years as Secretary-Treasurer and Director of TerBush & Powell, Inc., a financial organization in New York. After seven years as a tenured Associate Professor at the University of New Hampshire, Dr. Broderick served as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Executive MBA Program for another seven years. He has also taught in the Columbia University Graduate School of Business as an Adjunct Associate Professor.
Dr. Broderick developed the accounting segment of the program in response to the needs of the financial community. He presents seminars on topics of particular interest, such as foreign currency statements and transactions, inflation adjusted financial statements, pension accounting, and lease accounting.